
> 1-1教學 > 復興雙語全科輔導

Elementary Academic Tutoring (Grades 1 - 6)

復興雙語全科教學 (小學部)

上課方式:學期制 / 採一對一或二授課


► 提供選擇未來出國讀書的學生們一個全方位的課程計畫與籌備。課程內容可配合復興雙語部Grades 1 - 6 教材超前進度並加深加廣學習內容,以利學生掌握課內進度並獲得優異的成效。

► 提供全美語授課,特別強調口說流暢及閱讀寫作能力的培養。上課教材與美國小學程度同步,以致學生於任何階段出國就學都能輕鬆銜接美國當地學校的課程。 




► Journeys

Each anchor text complements a target skill, ranging from the author's purpose to understanding characters, to foster critical thinking and reading skills.

► English Language Arts

The lessons include grammar basics, sentence structure, and paragraph writing.

► Vocabulary Workshop

From basic to advanced, the vocabulary workshop series helps build a strong word bank.

► Social Studies

From social pyramids to the three branches of the US government, social studies classes cover a wide range of topics to expand your knowledge of the world.

► Science

From life cycle to atoms and moleclues, science classes cover a wide range of topics to help build a strong foundation in the science field.